BBC News reporting from M Wright & Sons, The Brexit Deal.
With the Brexit Deal being agreed at the EU Summit on Sunday 25th November, 2018
M Wright & Sons were seen as the prime manufacturing business to be contacted by the BBC. An incredibly early 4am start saw employees, and George and Annabel Wright met news reporter Victoria Fritz and producer Kate McGough at the factory. Once the 6am headline was filmed, Victoria interviewed George Wright giving her a tour around various machines producing products such as tennis net header for Wimbledon, powerlifting and sports equipment, and webbing for the military. The main question that needed to be answered was how Brexit would affect us as a company, of which the answer was the issue with business confidence and the concern for the lack of long-term decisions. Other matters discussed were that the current product areas, if they were sourced from China are subject to 10% tariffs into the States, which may be affected by on going global trade disputes.
Once this interview took place, it was suggested that Annabel also did a section for the news due to her being a 7th generation member and a prospective employee to the business. She took this in her stride and at 7.30am she went live to the nation discussing potential issues that may be faced if Britain was to leave the EU. As a student, she stressed that the evolving of research and development within the business needs to be constant to stay a float, as well as bringing in new concepts and ideas…such as the reintroduction of knicker elastic! Monty Harper, a longstanding employee was also interviewed, stressing the down to earth opinion that there is a strong correlation of boredom around the Brexit discussion, explaining that the population want the deal to come to an agreement so working and personal life can return to normality. These interviews can be found on BBC iPlayer.